Creative Forum

This journal of contemporary literary writing provides a forum for the exchange of ideas, latest trends and critical methods of literary practices in India and elsewhere.


Vol. 21, No. 1-2, January-December

The Art of Adaptation in Heritage Cinema
(Benjamin 746) The film medium through the representation of narrative worlds makes manifest the written word through visual and aural images. Here, one of the most significant parameters in judging the faithful depiction of the literary world is...
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A Never-Ending Love Story: Multi-Media Inter-Texting with the Bard, Five Centuries Down
My purpose in this article is to trace the inter-woven-ness of four texts Arthur Brooke's The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet (1562); William Shakespeare's paradigmatic "love tragedy" Romeo and Juliet (first performed in 1594-95); Franco Zeffirelli's...
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From Page to Screen: A Study of Octave Mirbeau's the Diary of a Chambermaid and the Screen Adaptations by Jean Renoir_and Luis Bunuel
The study of film adaptation is a subject without frontiers that has always been a challenge to viewers and critics alike. The question of adaptation becomes all the more interesting, when two giant filmmakers like Jean Renoir and Luis Bunuel took...
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'Rudali': From Mahasweta Devi to Kalpana Lajmi
'Rudali', a short story printed along with others in Nairetey Megh, 1979 is a characteristically Mahasweta Devi venture. Addressing issues of socio-economic marginalisation of the village poor, 'Rudali' provides a wonderful meeting-ground for class...
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Madame Bovary and Maya Memsaab: Narrative and Image Vis-a-Vis Form
(Flaubert) We are struck by Gustave Flaubert's novel Madam Bovary in two distinct ways: one, it presents before us the historical unfolding of a new era that passionately swore by the narrow materialism of economic progress; two, it brings to focus...
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The Holocaust as Film and Literature in Schindler's List
The Australian writer Thomas Keneally found one of his biggest inspirations when he was shopping in a luggage store in Beverly Hills. Poldek Pfefferberg, the owner of a suitcase store, told him how he and his wife were amongst the 1200 Jews that had...
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Maya Memsaab: A Narrative in Which Nothing Happens
Ketan Mehta's Maya Memsaab also known as Maya (Illusion 1992) is an adaptation of Gustave Flaubert's famous novel, Madame Bovary (1857). About the film, Robert Stam remarks, "In Mehta's version the French novel is filtered and channelled not only through...
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Screening the Novel: Umrao Jaan
Umrao Jaan was a famous, courtesan of Lucknow known for her singing, dancing and poetry. Ruswa's novel Umrao Jaan Ada written in 1902 is considered by many the first modem Indian novel. Although the novel tries to convey the impression of being a biography...
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Dissidence and Subversion within Power Structures: A Study of Maqbool and Macbeth
Perhaps the medium of films is the easiest way to access the meanings mobilized through Shakespearean performance. It most definitely has a democratic advantage over the theatre as a much wider audience can view it. Dennis Kennedy draws attention to...
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"We All Know She Is a Lesbo. but What about You?"
All representations are coded: they do not merely reflect a world outside the bounds of the text, but mediate external discourses, while constantly rewriting and reconstructing them. In the area of sexuality, representations are created and recreated...
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Bollywoodizing Literature Forging Cinema
In asserting that cinema didn't just "come out of thin air", the Russian director, Sergi Eisenstein had more than the technological evolution of cinema in mind or for that matter the indelible influence that the performative arts such as vaudeville,...
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Critiquing Colonialism through Cinematic Frames: Shatranj Ke Khilari and Ghare-Baire
Filmed seven years apart, one in 1977, the time of the Emergency, the other in 1984, a period of nationwide insurgency, Shatranj Ke Khilari (1) and Ghare Baire (2), both problematise the issue of power and its effects on the wielders and the victims...
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Fiction into Film: Inter-Semiotic Translation as Interpretation and Adaptation
The theme of fiction into film is largely a question of adaptation and moves beyond the traditional domain of translation studies that primarily focussed either on authenticity related questions or fidelity to the original. The notion of interpretation...
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The Contrasting Film and Novel Text of Ghore Baire
All cinema is an art form and as is commonly understood, they don't have to be faithful to the book. However, when they claim to be an adaptation of a book, and not inspired by a book, most critics feel that it is important for them to capture the...
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The Colonial Discourse of the British Heritage Films of the 1980s
Andre Bazin, and Sergei Eisenstein, the great expositors of cinema clearly saw a link between the art of the novel and the art of cinema. In fact, Eisenstein in drawing the genealogy of cinema identifies the novel as the father of cinema. In his essay,...
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Vol. 20, No. 1, January-June

Some Reflections on Bharata's Natyasastra
The Natyasastra, (literally "a discipline of dramaturgy" composed and compiled between 1st Century to 5th Century B.C.; (henceforth referred as NS) attributed to Sage Bharata in the tradition, is an encyclopedia of Indian fine arts (lalita kala). It...
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Dhvani and Dissociation of Sensibility
Dhvani system of Indian poetics deals with the constitution of internal and external creative environments primarily with emphasis on increasing universality on both the levels or stages. This position remains central to the idea of Dhvani and it is...
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The strength of an artistic situation has it manifestation in the methods of valuation, comprehension, and assessment. The modes and varieties of comprehension impose a necessity to have a perfect organization and an equally well reception through...
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Cultural Determination of Literary Theory
A theory being an expression of a community's understanding (and expectation) of an object, it is inevitably determined by the intellectual culture of that community and shares in its wider assumptions about life and matters. One can show this cultural...
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Creative Process in Art
See this world--a poem of the Lord Underlying and decaying. (Rigveda-X, and Atharvaveda, X.8.32) On the basis of this world view as unfolded in the famous Asvamiyasukta in the X Mangala of Rigveda, and in Atharvaveda also, Aitareya Mahidasa,...
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Mimesis Re-Examined in the Light of Aristotle and Abhinavagupta
Art standeth firmly fixed in nature, and who can read her forth thence, he only possesseth her. The more closer they work abideth in life, so much the better will it appear, and this true Durer The present paper is devoted to an analysis of the...
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Bhartrhari on Linguistic Understanding
Linguistic communication is the very foundation of a civilized society (vacam eva prasadena loka-yatra pravarttate). Speech behaviour or linguistic communication is significant to us, not because we communicate more effectively through it, but our...
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The Fable as Narrative in the Indian Tradition
A fable is a narrative no longer than a short story, so structured as to conclude with a moral. The term derives itself from the Latin fabula and includes the root faber which means maker or artificer. A fable makes symbolic use of animals as characters,...
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Indian Theories of Knowledge Compared with Western Theories and Artificial Intelligence
ABSTRACT The paper while surveying the Western and Indian epistemological theories, presents a comparison of the Nyaya (NN) treatment of knowledge with that of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Looking for newer definitions of knowledge with matching...
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Flavours of Flowers: A Rasaesthetics of Karnad's "Flowers"
Rasa is the cumulative result of vibhava (stimulus), anubhava (involuntary reaction) and vyabhicharibhava (voluntary reaction).For example, just as when various condiments and sauces and herbs and other materials are mixed ,a taste (different from...
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