The European Journal of Counselling Psychology


Vol. 8, No. 1, 2019

Impact of the Therapist’s “Use of Self”
While it is widely known that the therapeutic relationship is important in the outcome of therapy, and much has been researched on the client’s side of the relationship (Easterbrook & Meehan, 2017; Kastrani, Deliyanni-Kouimtzis, & Athanasiades,...
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Therapeutic Factors during a Psychoeducational Group Intervention Aiming to Promote School Adjustment in First Grade Students
Entering elementary school constitutes a turning point for children. On becoming a student, the child embarks on a challenging course in a strictly organized environment, making an effort to accomplish complex academic, socio-emotional and behavioral...
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Perspectives of Professionals on the Treatment and Service Delivery of Eating Disorders in Cyprus
Eating disorders, like Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Bulimia, are serious and complex mental diseases, usually affecting young people. Treatment outcomes of eating disorders are often poor (Murray, Quintana, Loeb, Griffiths, & Le Grange, 2019). Steinhausen...
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Body Image Differences across the Life Span of Greek-Cypriot Women: An Investigation Examining Adolescence, Early and Middle Adulthood
Several studies have demonstrated that body dissatisfaction is one of the most important predictors of disordered eating (such as continuous strict diets, bulimia symptoms, dietary constraints), as well as eating disorders (Ackard, Croll, & Kearney-Cooke,...
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The Comparison of Cyprus to Six Other European Countries on Body Image Satisfaction, Appearance Investment and Weight and Appearance-Related Anxiety
A great deal of attention is given to the area of body image the last two decades as negative body image has been found to predict several psychological problems (Stice, Hayward, Cameron, Killen, & Taylor, 2000) such as disordered eating, low self-esteem,...
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Effects of Family Dynamics on Disordered Eating Patterns and Behaviors: Evidence from Cyprus
Disordered eating patterns and behaviors received significant attention over the years in an attempt to identify the contributing factors for their development. Research suggests that many factors contribute to the development of eating disturbances...
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Working Relationally with Clients Who Have Experienced Abuse: Exploring Counselling Psychologists’ Experiences Using IPA
Counselling psychologists are both reflective and scientific practitioners and recognise the importance of marrying the creation of a trusting therapeutic relationship with clinical and technical expertise (Douglas, Woolfe, Strawbridge, Kasket, &...
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The Body Appreciation Scale-2: Translation and Validation in the Greek Language
Positive body image is comprised of several characteristics. According to Tylka and Wood-Barcalow (2015a), the definition and key characteristics of positive body image include appreciating the beauty and functions of the body, accepting the body even...
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Prevalence and Correlates of Eating Disorders in Greek-Cypriot Adolescents and Young Adults
Based on the revised Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders-5 (DSM-5), three of the diagnoses specified under the heading “Feeding and Eating Disorders” are Anorexia Nervosa (AN), Bulimia Nervosa (BN) and Binge Eating disorder (BED) (American...
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Prevalence and Characteristics of Disordered Eating Adolescents in Cyprus: The Influence of Body Image, Situational Dysphoria, Self-Esteem, and the Media
Eating disorders have a serious impact on the physical/psychosocial health and quality of life, especially for adolescents who are more at risk (Herpertz-Dahlmann, Wille, Holling, Vloet, & Ravens-Sieberer, 2008; Smolak, 2009). The development of...
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Design of a Guided Internet-Delivered Counseling Intervention for Test Anxiety
In Germany, many university students state to be afraid of exams and tests. Surveys report numbers ranging from 14 to 50% (Fehm & Fydrich, 2011). Individuals with test anxiety often seek help at university counseling centers. In 2015, 26.1% of all...
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Vol. 7, No. 1, 2018

Evaluating the Role of Formulation in Counselling Psychology: A Systematic Literature Review
Background Formulation is a skill required of counselling psychologists globally, and forms part of the profession's identity as a branch of applied psychology. In the UK, The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC, 2015) highlights in its Standards...
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The (Physically) Wounded Healer: The Impact of a Physical Disability on Training and Development as a Counselling Psychologist: A Case Study
The intention of this paper is to use my own personal experience to investigate the impact of physical disability on training in a Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology in the UK. It will begin to address the marginalization of issues of physical...
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An Illusion of Inclusion? - Can Counselling Psychology Do More to Ensure Equality and Access to Psychological Therapies for Deaf People, through Their Work with Interpreters?
Background and Literature Review Counselling psychology prides itself on its value base of prizing the subjective experience, empowering the individual and acting against discrimination (British Psychological Society [BPS], 2008a). Central to this endeavour...
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Online Intervention for Couples Affected by Generalized Anxiety Disorder
This article describes recent developments in online interventions for distressed couples, with a focus on adaptation of an online program to address the needs of couples in which one partner has Generalized Anxiety Disorder. We review the rationale...
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Strength, Solidarity, Strategy and Sustainability: A Counseling Psychologist’s Guide to Social Action
In the face of turbulent times, counseling psychologists have the potential to engage in social justice locally and globally (Athanasiades, 2008; Kennedy & Arthur, 2014; Toporek, Gerstein, Fouad, Roysircar, & Israel, 2006; Vera & Speight,...
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Greek Host Community Acculturation Expectations towards Immigrants from Albania and Pakistan: The Role of Existential Parameters
The movements of individuals or groups within and across states, nations and cultures, are phenomena as old as the history of humanity. At present, immigration is one of the most complex and controversial challenges that modern societies, including Greece,...
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Addressing Cultural Issues in Grief Counseling with Immigrants: The Case of a Bereaved Filipino Family Following Homicide
Greece has been traditionally an emigration country but this has changed during the last three decades, by an increased inflow of legal and irregular migrants, and asylum seeker refugees. As from the beginning of the 1990s, Greece started receiving large...
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Social Justice Issues for Counselling Psychologists in Greece
Going through a long period of economic crisis, Greece has been called upon to deal with homeless and jobless people and the psychological problems following them. Due to its geographical position, Greece is also faced with immigration and refugee problems...
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The Interplay between Self-Construal, Social Support, and Psychological Adaptation of Indian Immigrants’ in Greece
Until quite recently, Greece was a migration sender country. In recent decades, however, it has become one of the “recipient” countries for immigrants, from both the Balkans and several Asian countries (Baldwin-Edwards, Kuriakou, Kakalika, & Katsios,...
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The Language of Interpersonal Interaction: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Assessing and Processing Vocal and Speech Data
Interpersonal interactions are challenging to study but are central to our daily lives and health and well-being. Consider the example of psychotherapy. A psychotherapy session is a complex interaction between a therapist and a patient, and when successful,...
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“Stepping Up the Ladder in Safety”: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of How LGB Clients Experience Their Therapists’ Sexual Orientation
Therapist’s Sexual Orientation The therapist’s sexual orientation is an important part of therapy, especially when working with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients. According to Guthrie (2006), the therapist’s sexuality or the one perceived by clients...
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Seeking “Home”: Personal Narratives and Turning Points in the Lives of Adult Homeless
“Besides, we are too Hamlet-like to make [a self-narrative] all of a piece - too torn between the familiar and the possible.” (Bruner, 2004, p. 12)The social impact of homelessness in Greece, as everywhere in the western world, is immense. Studies -conducted...
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Social Justice, Diversity and Leadership
Definitions of Social Justice There are a number of definitions of social justice. These include rights to self-determination, a fair allocation of resources, to live in peace, freedom from constraints and to be treated fairly and equitably (Kagan et...
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Experiences of Mental Health Service Users on Their Empowerment and Social Integration in the Community
Mental illness can have devastating effects on the individuals' life and their role in the society (Mahone et al., 2011; WHO, 2013). Therefore, it is crucial for scholars and professionals to determine what is best for the mental health system users....
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Vol. 6, No. 1, 2017

Body Image, Self-Esteem, Media, Disordered Eating and Actual Ideal Weight Discrepancy: Findings in Cyprus
The actual ideal weight discrepancy refers to the difference between the weight that is perceived by the individual as acquired (actual weight) and the weight that the individual wishes to acquire (ideal weight; Vartanian, 2012). Even though a large...
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Use of Multi-Group Confirmatory Factor Analysis in Examining Measurement Invariance in Counseling Psychology Research
Measurement invariance has been conceived as an important research topic for assessment in cross-population (e.g., cross-cultural) contexts (Cheung & Rensvold, 2002; Kline, 2015). This issue is crucial in that without measurement invariance, there...
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Psychology, Counseling Psychology, and Professional Counseling: Shared Roots, Challenges, and Opportunities
Psychology, counseling psychology and professional counseling are at a crossroad. The growing international movement to establish professional counseling as a distinct profession, separate from counseling psychology and psychology as a whole, is inconsistent...
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The Therapeutic Relationship and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: A Case Study of an Adolescent Girl with Depression
The therapeutic relationship has been argued to be one of the most important factors in psychotherapy. Currently, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and the value of the therapeutic relationship have been receiving more attention in the literature and...
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Women as Counselling and Psychotherapy Clients: Researching the Therapeutic Relationship
The therapeutic relationship, as a qualitative characteristic of the counselling and psychotherapeutic practice, is considered to be inextricably bound to every theoretical approach. Indeed, over the last years, research has focused on this unique type...
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Depressive Symptomatology, Attachment Style, Job Insecurity and Burnout of Civil Servants in the Greek Economic Crisis
Since 2009, after a series of years of economic and social growth, Greek economy has been facing serious turmoil. In 2010, the Greek Parliament sanctioned a Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies between the Greek government, the E.U. and the...
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Exploring Influence and Autoethnography: A Dialogue between Two Counselling Psychologists
Introduction Autoethnography is a methodological approach that is relatively new to counselling psychology, despite having been developed and used extensively within the field of sociology.As O’Riordan (2014, p. 3) describes, autoethnography is:“an autobiographical...
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Personal Therapy for Therapists: Reflections on Past and Current Research from an Autoethnographic Perspective
This article will describe and reflect on a research study that was carried out in 2008 and published in Counselling Psychology Quarterly in 2011. The study was entitled ‘Personal Therapy as a Mandatory Requirement for Counselling Psychologists in Training:...
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A Positive Psychological Intervention to Promote Well-Being in a Multicultural School Setting in Greece
In the last two decades Positive Psychology, an alternative paradigm encompassing basic and applied sciences, has reformulated the goals of Psychology primarily by defining mental health as a construct which goes beyond the absence of disorder and malfunction...
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Vol. 4, No. 2, 2016

The Meteoric Rise of Mental Illness in America and Implications for Other Countries
Introduction Throughout much of the western world, proponents of the "chemical imbalance" hypothesis have insisted that mental illness is the direct result of the biological malfunctioning of the human brain. Furthermore, proponents of this hypothesis...
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Client Interpersonal Problems and the Initial Working Alliance
Introduction Although there is evidence regarding the efficacy of psychological therapies, there is less information regarding client factors that may influence outcomes and the therapy process (Eames & Roth, 2000). The therapeutic alliance is seen...
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Role-Confusion in Parent-Child Relationships: Assessing Mother's Representations and Its Implications for Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice
Introduction Parent-child role-confusion can lead to maladaptive pathways often linked with dysregulation of affect and others physiological subsystems and is mainly discussed by clinicians. Nevertheless, studies about these relational disturbances have...
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Counselling and Professionalism: A Phenomenological Analysis of Counsellor Experience
Introduction The current paper draws on data from a doctoral thesis exploring the lived experience of young people and their counsellors in relation to bullying. Individual interviews with the participant counsellors highlighted the significance of professionalism...
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Vol. 5, No. 1, 2016

Spirituality and the Psychological Impact of Unemployment: Personality Characteristics, Loneliness and Depressive Symptomatology
Introduction Nowadays, unemployment is becoming a serious social problem. This is an indisputable fact, if one takes into account the current economic, political and social conditions which have led to a huge increase in unemployment rates in most European...
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Substance Abuse Prevention among Greek Emerging Adults: Evaluation of a Psycho-Educational Counselling Intervention
Introduction Although the prevention field has traditionally received less attention than treatment, we are now in a period where prevention research and development are on the rise and have an empirical knowledge base (Bukstein, 1995; Gardner &...
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Postgraduate Research in Counselling Psychology in Greece
Over the past two decades there has been a remarkable progress in Greece in the field of Counselling Psychology (Malikiosi-Loizos & Giovazolias, 2013; Malikiosi-Loizos & Ivey, 2012). This is evident both from the successful operation of two major...
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Economic Strain and Subjective Well-Being in Married Couples with Children: A Dyadic Analysis
Introduction The global financial crisis that began in 2008 is considered to be the most significant, in terms of societal impact after the ‘Great Depression’ (Rollero & Tartaglia, 2009). The aftermath of the financial crisis has been particularly...
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The Suspended Self: Liminality in Breast Cancer Narratives and Implications for Counselling
Introduction Breast Cancer Narratives Over the last few years, there has been an increase in both theoretical and research interest in the role of meaning-making in coping with serious negative life events, such as chronic illness (Crossley, 2000b; Frank,...
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Evaluation of a Career Counselling Program Focused on Greek Elementary School Children's Career Interests
Introduction Career development is a process that starts early in one's life. Childhood should be considered as the most active period of that process (Hartung, Porfeli, & Vondracek, 2005). Theory and research literature so far, views the child’s...
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Vol. 4, No. 1, 2016

Parents' and School Career Counsellors' Evaluations of the Occupational Competence of Children with Dyslexia
Introduction The conditions under which people make their own career choices are rarely optimal, and this is especially true for individuals with disabilities. Unfortunately, although a great deal is known about career-related decision-making processes...
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Counselling Psychology Research in Greece
Research activity in the field of counselling psychology has been growing relatively fast in Greece, raising new scientific challenges and generating new knowledge relevant to the Greek population and culture. In an effort to disseminate the current...
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The Relationship between Meaning in Life, Emotions and Psychological Illness: The Moderating Role of the Effects of the Economic Crisis
Introduction The Greek Economic Crisis Greece represents a social framework where an extreme and rapidly unfolding social and economic crisis takes place, characterized by: high unemployment, major income loss, steep tax increases and a significant reduction...
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Parent Training for Families with a Child with ASD: A Naturalistic Systemic Behavior Analytic Model
Introduction The treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) continues to be a great challenge that often transcends the therapeutic technology that is available within one epistemological paradigm (Schreibman et al., 2015). There is ample...
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Quality of Sibling Relationship and Substance Misuse: A Comparative Study
Introduction Sibling relationship is one of the most neglected relations in psychological research (Cicirelli, 1982; Buist, Dekovic, & Prinzie, 2013). However, sibling relationship is one of the longest lasting relationships in an individual's life...
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Utilizing Storytelling to Promote Emotional Well-Being of Children with a Distinct Physical Appearance: The Case of Children Who Wear Eyeglasses
Introduction According to the theory of social constructivism, the concept of identity formation is to be found within the social realm. That is, our identities are not fixed but fluid and they arise, not from inside us, but from the interactions and...
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Vol. 3, No. 2, 2015

A Positive Psychology Intervention with Emerging Adults
Introduction In their inaugural paper on positive psychology, Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi (2000) described it as a psychology of positive human functioning aimed to "achieve scientific understanding and inspire effective interventions to build thriving...
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Does Meaning in Life Predict Psychological Well-Being?
Introduction Two perspectives on personal well-being are distinguished in Psychology: the hedonic perspective and the eudaimonic perspective (Peterson, Park, & Seligman, 2005; Ryan & Deci, 2001; Waterman, 1993). The hedonic one argues that pleasure...
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School-Based Counselling Work with Teachers: An Integrative Model
Introduction School Mental Health Issues and Teacher Stress Counselling practices that are child- and family-centered and that take also into consideration the needs of the educational staff for emotional support and professional guidance seem to be...
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Cultural Awareness in Two UK Counselling Psychology Settings: Initial Training and Supervision
Introduction Awareness of cultural issues is a central tenet of counselling psychology (CoP) (Martin, 2010). The responsibility to train new recruits to the profession in ways sympathetic to widening awareness is a clear imperative but is difficult to...
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Men's Perceptions concerning Disclosure of a Partner's Abortion: Implications for Counseling
Introduction The body of literature related to men and abortion is relatively small compared to that pertaining to women (Coyle, 2006). While a number of studies have called attention to men's desire or need for counseling concerning pregnancy termination...
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Vol. 3, No. 1, 2014

Risk Factors for Depression in the Emerging Adulthood
Youth has always been a critical scientific and social issue in Hungary. Just like an emerging economy, emerging generations experience the challenges of an economically and socially unstable environment, with an exposure to both eastern and western...
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Eclectic Therapy for Dual Diagnosis: A Case Study
Case Context and Method Clinical practice has shown that every psychotherapeutic model has distinctive ways in which it achieves its aims and different models are appropriate for use with different patient needs. Additionally, as patients' needs evolve...
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Forensic Interviews with Children Victims of Sexual Abuse: The Role of the Counselling Psychologist
Introduction In the last decades, international literature has highlighted the risk of secondary victimization of children abuse victims following disclosure of their violation and their inevitable involvement in procedures that significantly aggravate...
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Social Learning Conceptualization for Substance Abuse: Implications for Therapeutic Interventions
Introduction Research on an international level suggest that the use of illegal substances is considerably common among young people. On a large scale research among 16,661 participants aged 18 and over, Richter, Ahluwalia, Mosier, Nazir, and Ahluwalia...
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Vol. 2, No. 2, 2013

New Ideas and Clinical Practices to Improve Corporeal Self-Esteem
Introduction According to many authors, the daily life may be described as a theatrical scene, and the personal identity as the set of roles that the person wears in the various contexts of the stage(Berger & Luckman, 1966; Goffman, 1959; Watzlawick,...
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Message from the Guest Editor
It is an honour to be the Guest Editor of the Volume 2.2 of The European Journal of Counselling Psychology (EJCoP) with papers from the International Congress in Clinical & Counselling Psychology (CPSYC 2013).Thank you for your interest in the International...
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The Influence of Stress on the Quality of Life of Hypertensive Patients
Introduction In Portugal cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death, and nowadays hypertension is the cardiovascular risk factor with the highest prevalence in Portugal and worldwide. Associated mortality and morbidity are becoming a real...
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Knowledge about HIV / AIDS: The Influence of Lifestyles and Self-Regulation in Adolescents
Introduction Adolescence cannot be defined in the singular as the experience of this period includes a multiplicity of individual adventures influenced by family contexts, social and cultural environments to which the young person belongs. There is not...
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Assessment of Family Functionality among the Elderly with Chronic Illness
Introduction Presently, Portugal faces a wide range of demographic change due to the progressive increase of its elderly population having health, social, cultural and economic repercussions. As a result of this, the community in general and families...
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When Informing about Eating Disorders Exacerbates the Problem Instead of Preventing It: Which Programs Work and Which Ones Do Not?
Introduction Food behaviour can assume particularly problematic connotations during adolescence, especially in relation to two important areas of development: self-perception, and social relationships among peers (Faccio, 2013; Vandereycken, 1996). Every...
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Osteoporosis and Somatization of Anxiety
Introduction A high stress lifestyle has always been suspected as one of the contributing causes of osteoporosis and other major health problems. According to Kumano (2005), there may be three ways of relationship between stress and osteoporosis. The...
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Vol. 2, No. 1, 2013

Adaptation to Physical Disabilities: The Role of Meaning in Life and Depression
Introduction Currently, people with physical disabilities constitute a very large and simultaneously a heterogeneous group of general population, as the term physical disabilities is broad and covers a wide range of disabilities, including both congenital...
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Developing Pluralistic Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Using What the Client Knows
One of the most striking aspects of current theory and practice in counselling, counselling psychology and psychotherapy, is the wide range of ideas in circulation around the nature of psychological problems, and the change processes through which these...
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The Relationship between Perceived Parental Bonding and Bullying: The Mediating Role of Empathy
Introduction According to recent studies, bullying in schools is widespread. In the United States, 15% to 20% of children experience repeated victimization in the form of intimidation, ostracism, or physical violence by peers at some time during their...
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Relating on the Internet, Personality Traits and Depression: Research and Implications
Introduction For a large percentage of predominantly young people - the Net Generation - (those born after 1977), most of their interpersonal relations and therefore communication is switching from real to virtual, implying the use of the computer as...
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Greek Mothers' Narratives of the Construct of Parental Involvement
Introduction The field of study on parental involvement in children's learning has grown significantly since the 1980s and has been largely supported by extensive international research (Desforges & Abouchaar, 2003; Epstein, 1995, 2001; Georgiou,...
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Personal Therapy for Future Therapists: Reflections on a Still Debated Issue
Introduction The importance of personal therapy in the training of mental health professionals began when Freud put forward the belief that personal therapy is the deepest and most non-negotiable part of clinical education (Freud 1937/1964). He said:...
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