Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Sociometry

Journal of Group Psychotherapy Psychodrama and Soiometry is a magazine specializing in Psychology topics.


Vol. 59, No. 3, Fall

Psychodrama as a Preventive Measure: Teenage Girls Confronting Violence
ABSTRACT. The problem of male violence against women has affected the lives of many women since ancient times. Women are victims of child sexual abuse, date rape, marital assault, marital rape, and sexual harassment. In this article, the author describes...
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Using Dance Cards to Facilitate the Sharing Phase in Sociometric Explorations
ABSTRACT. The author considers sociometric explorations that, at some point, require each group member to share information with every other group member in sequence. In this sharing phase, a facilitator usually directs the group to form new pairs...
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The Canon of Spontaneity-Creativity Revisited: The Effect of Empirical Findings
ABSTRACT. The author examines J. L. Moreno's theory of spontaneity-creativity in light of recent empirical data reported in 3 studies using the Spontaneity Assessment Inventory (SAI) and the Spontaneity Deficit Inventory (SDI; A. Christofororu &...
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The Revised Spontaneity Assessment Inventory (SAI-R): Spontaneity, Well-Being, and Stress
ABSTRACT. The authors studied the construct validity and reliability of a revised version of the Spontaneity Assessment Inventory, the SAI-R. Compared with the original version of the inventory (D. A. Kipper & J. Hundal, 2005) the revised version...
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Vol. 59, No. 2, Summer

Theatre of Spontaneity Revisited
This pithy volume is a treasure trove of the thoughts of J. L. Moreno just as he stood on the cusp of originating psychodrama. It contains some of Moreno's most famous utterances and much of his bedrock philosophy. I initially drafted this essay to...
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Chaos Theory Links to Morenean Theory: A Synergistic Relationship
ABSTRACT. The author applies a working knowledge of Chaos Theory (ChT), provided in Remer (2005a), to Morenean theory. He examines the links and parallels between ChT and Morenean subtheories--enactment (psychodramatic), role, sociometry, social atom,...
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Group Psychotherapy for People with Intellectual Disabilities: The Interactive-Behavioral Model
ABSTRACT. The authors describe a model of psychotherapy designed to treat people who have intellectual disabilities in addition to psychiatric disorders. The model, termed interactive-behavioral therapy, represents a modification of standard techniques...
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Vol. 59, No. 1, Spring

Healing a Mother's Emotional Pain: Protagonist and Director Recall of a Therapeutic Spiral Model (TSM) Session
ABSTRACT. The authors present a Therapeutic Spiral Model (TSM) case study, illustrating the healing process of a protagonist working through emotional pain associated with a breakdown in her relationship with her daughter. TSM is a form of psychodrama...
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The Spontaneity Assessment Inventory (SAI), Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Tendency, and Temporal Orientation
ABSTRACT. The authors examined the reliability and construct validity of two original inventories, the Spontaneity Assessment Inventory (SAI) and the Spontaneity Deficit Inventory (SDI). They administered the 2 inventories, along with the State-Trait...
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The Body Dialogue: An Action Intervention to Build Body Empathy
"The Body Dialogue" is an action technique in which the therapist uses role reversal to build a bridge of empathy between the body and the self. The director facilitates a conversation between the body and the self in an attempt to repair the bridge...
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Those who cling to tradition are often more unfaithful to their core values than those who give way to the new. Until now, the journal has contained only reviews of books to help readers keep abreast of current developments in the psychodrama field....
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Vol. 58, No. 4, Winter

Introduction to the Special Issue on Using Group Action Techniques with Children and Adolescents
In the group psychotherapy literature, there is a scarcity of practical applications of group action techniques with children and adolescents. Articles in this special issue, designed to alleviate the scarcity, focus on children and adolescents within...
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Finding My Place: The Use of Sociometric Choice and Sociodrama for Building Community in the School Classroom
ABSTRACT. The case study concerns issues in a 4th grade public school classroom in Toronto, Canada, where certain children were being excluded, placed in an unpopular subgroup based on physical attributes (hair color, weight, size, or skin color),...
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Conflict Resolution and Social Skill Development with Children
ABSTRACT. Conducting psychodrama groups for children in an elementary school setting are extremely challenging because the interpersonal issues that emerge are complex and the institutional guidelines are limiting. The author recounts experiences with...
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How Rude!: Using Sociodrama in the Investigation of Bullying and Harassing Behavior and in Teaching Civility in Educational Communities
ABSTRACT. In this article, the author explores the use of sociodrama to help educational communities investigate and deal with bullying behaviors. The contents include using trained youth auxiliaries to support the sociodramatic process; exploring...
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Day by Day-Role Theory, Sociometry, and Psychodrama with Adolescents and Young Women
ABSTRACT. In this article, the author portrays the judicious use of the psychodrama method with four young people. The author uses a role theory framework, sociometry, and psychodrama in her brief psychotherapeutic work of 1 to 6 sessions with young...
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Vol. 58, No. 3, Fall

The Couple's Therapist as Coaching Double in a Model Encounter
ABSTRACT: The author describes a model interview in which the participants perform the steps of a successful encounter aloud. A soliloquy about some internal awareness in one member of the couple develops a warm-up to intentional communication. His...
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The Spontaneity Assessment Inventory: The Relationship between Spontaneity and Nonspontaneity
ABSTRACT. The authors explored the theory that spontaneity and nonspontaneity represent two separate continua rather than opposite states of mind by means of a newly designed Spontaneity Assessment Inventory (SAI) and Spontaneity Deficit Inventory...
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An Introduction to Chaos Theory for Psychodramatists
ABSTRACT. Individuals and groups are dynamic systems that generate patterns of behavior, thoughts, feelings, and interactions. Chaos Theory (ChT), based on a mathematical approach to nonlinear, nonindependent modeling, addresses these patterns. ChT...
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Vol. 58, No. 2, Summer

Introduction to the Special Issue on the Treatment of Couples and Families with Psychodrama and Action Methods: The Case of Generic Psychodrama
When, in the first half of the 20th century, J. L. Moreno proposed the structure of traditional psychodrama, it pertained, primarily, to the composition of the individual treatment session. Moreno (1964) described the individual psychodrama session...
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Escaping the Blame Frame: Experiential Techniques with Couples
ABSTRACT. In couples therapy, the therapist often finds it difficult to shift to a more productive process. Experiential techniques can break the destructive pattern and introduce new, more effective ways of communicating. In this article, the author...
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The Integration of Psychodrama with Bowen's Theories in Couples Therapy
ABSTRACT. In this article, the authors describe a method in which cotherapists work with those in relationships, mainly couples, using psychodrama methods and Bowen therapy. They include vignettes taken from 5 sessions and discuss the context of each...
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Action Methods in Marriage and Family Therapy: A Review
ABSTRACT. Action methods, the therapist-initiated tasks that engage clients in physical activity and in taking on dramatic roles, are used in a number of marriage and family therapy approaches. In this review article, the authors present a wide range...
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Vol. 58, No. 1, Spring

Role Theory, Archetypes, and Moreno's Philosophy Illuminated by the Kabbalistic Tree of Life
ABSTRACT. J. L. Moreno's vision, which sprang from his deeper philosophical intuitions about the essentially creative nature of the Godhead, was influenced in part by his study as a young man of Kabbalah. Moreno derived his notions of spontaneity from...
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The Use of Psychodrama in Dealing with Grief and Addiction-Related Loss and Trauma
ABSTRACT. This article is an adaptation of a chapter from the author's book, The Living Stage: A Step by Step Guide to Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Experiential Group Therapy (Dayton, 2005). The author proposes the use of psychodrama to help clients...
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The Magical Music Shop
Within the broad spectrum of the creative arts therapies, which include music, art, dance, and drama, there are many possibilities for therapeutic applications. All clients who seek therapy have different needs and backgrounds and different propensities...
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Vol. 55, No. 4, Winter

The Effects of Being the Protagonist in Psychodrama
In this study, the author reports his investigation of the effects of psychodrama by quantitative methods. Twelve adults voluntarily participated in psychodrama sessions directed by the researcher and 3 other directors. They administered Yalom's Therapeutic...
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Combining Schema-Focused Cognitive Therapy and Psychodrama: A Model for Treating Clients with Personality Disorders
In this article, the author reviews the historical interface between behavior therapies and psychodrama, noting their mutually enhancing elements. She proposes an integration of those elements as a vehicle for providing brief, yet intensive therapy...
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A Survey of Clinical Reports on the Application of Psychodrama
The authors selected 34 case illustrations of psychodrama for a review of the characteristics of that intervention modality. From the data, they concluded that, in general, the practice is consistent with the theoretical model. The main features of...
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Vol. 55, No. 2-3, Summer-Fall

Introduction to the Special Issue on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Psychodrama
For a long-time, psychodrama has been viewed as a "fringe" therapy, even though clinicians and counselors of various theoretical orientations have eagerly adopted role playing, a pivotal psychodramatic concept, for individual and traditional group...
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Enriching Psychodrama through the Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques
ABSTRACT. In this article, the authors combine psychodrama and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques in applied group settings. They illustrate the application of some cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques that they found helpful in the 3...
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Real-Life Role Play: A Cognitive Therapy Case Study with Two Young Sex-Abuse Survivors
ABSTRACT. The author of this case study describes the use of an adaptation of role-playing in cognitive therapy with two adolescent sex-abuse survivors who were treated in individual and conjoint sessions. Each girl had been sexually abused by a male...
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A Cognitive Therapy Approach for Treating Chronic Procrastination and Avoidance: Behavioral Activation Interventions
ABSTRACT. Traditional cognitive therapy (CT) focuses on identifying and modifying patients' distorted cognitions. Patients often find that they have overgeneralized the severity and pervasiveness of their difficulties, and CT helps them to reassess...
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The Cognitive Double: Integrating Cognitive and Action Techniques
ABSTRACT. In this article, the author describes the Cognitive Double, an original role-enactment technique that combines the procedure of cognitive restructuring (cognitive therapy) with the psychodramatic double. All group members need to be taught...
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