Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly


Vol. 3, No. 1, Fall

Editorial: On Bricolage and the Intellectual Work of the Scholar-Practitioner
Charged with the public responsibility to educate, the scholar-practitioner engages in intellectual work with the purpose, in large part, to create the educative spaces wherein future generations may to learn the knowledge and skills necessary to build...
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Principals' Inviting Leadership Behaviors in a Time of Test-Based Accountability
Abstract We queried Florida elementary teachers about how they perceived their principals' professional and personal inviting leadership behaviors during a time when many teachers and principals felt a lot of pressure due to test-based accountability....
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Learning to Be an Education Leader: How a Web-Based Course Meets Some of the Challenges of Leadership Training and Development
Abstract This article captures how a web-based course, designed as a part of the School Leadership Grant Program, meets some challenges of leadership training and development. The content, structure and discussion board exercises of the sample course...
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Expanding Data Analysis Skills in Educational Leaders: Implications for Preparation Programs
Abstract The National Policy Board of Educational Administration reflects the belief that principals should be taught processes for experimenting and learning from real world data to meet the challenges of the work environment. This study of practicing...
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The Faculty-Administrator Relationship: Partners in Prospective Governance?
Abstract In this article the authors examine characterizations of faculty-administrator relationships, in particular as related to shared governance. Two primary perspectives guided the study. The first perspective focused on the fragile nature...
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Looking beyond and Looking Within: Discovering Literate Lives
Abstract To examine the differences between a foundations course in literacy versus a traditional methods reading course for preservice teachers, this paper explained the assessment, required readings, and pedagogical approaches for a foundations...
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Pre-Service Teachers Write about Diversity: A Metaphor Analysis
Abstract This study, set in the teacher education program of a large, Midwestern public university, examines metaphors used by elementary pre-service teachers in writing about diversity and teaching in diverse settings with diverse populations....
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Vol. 2, No. 4, Summer

Ensuring Democracy in an Era of Standards and Accountability: The Scholar-Practitioner's Work
Entering a new millennium the future of education is at best uncertain. The standards movement now dominates discussions about all aspects of education--teaching and learning, curriculum, and assessment--as well as all aspects of educator preparation....
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Where Is Equity in the National Standards? A Critical Review of the INTASC, NCATE, and NBPTS Standards
Abstract There is a call for ensuring that all students learn, echoed through the national standards and other reform documents. But how serious is the focus on equity in these standards? We reviewed the standards from three major national standards...
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